Online Institute is the web hosting company with a University mentality, as we’re always learning and innovating. But you don’t have to be a student to tap into our powerful servers.
We began as early adopters in the Digital Revolution happening in the San Francisco Bay Area in the mid-to-later 1990s. We now serve data from two world-class fortresses in America’s Heartland of Lansing, Michigan. Not only is the main 90,000 square-foot datacenter far from earthquakes and tropical storms, but our presence in Michigan helps the economy, which in turn helps us all. We’ve helped thousands of businesses brave new digital landscapes, with the peace-of-mind that comes with multiple firewalls, humans and server-bots overseeing software and servers keeping your online venture safe. The online world is always evolving but good things stay the same, like fast servers, reliable and friendly support and low rates. Our loyal clients have counted on OLI’s True-Blue Service for Excellence in Hosting since 1996. For more, check us out on Google+ |